Title: Park Warden
Wage: £15k
Description: Employed by the National Park Authority, you will be helping with conservation projects, community outreach programmes, monitoring recreational use of the park, and supporting maintenance of rights of way and access. Your time will involve some office work, but the opportunities to get outdoors will be plentiful.
Requirements: Previous experience is a bonus in any job these days, but a keen interest in the environment, a driving licence, and a winning personality will go a long way to securing you the position at interview.
Title: Mountain bike trail guide
Wage: £16k
Description: This one probably counts as the dream job for many young people. The sport of mountain biking has been around a few decades now but the interest in it shows no sign of waning. Easy access to the hobby, and plenty of urban and rural spaces in which to practice, has created a couple of generations of keen enthusiasts, eager to hone their skills and ride new trails. As a guide you get to take people on a two wheel adventure.
Requirements: You will need the MBLA Mountain Bike Trail Leader Award certificate, and a valid first aid qualification too. You will also need to know your way around a bike for maintenance, so if you are one of those people who takes it to the local bike shop every time you get a puncture, you need to start spending your money on spanners and bottom bracket tools instead. Skills coaching will supplement your income as most trail guiding is seasonal work.
Title: Deck hand
Wage: £20k
Description: Not exactly a glamorous role, but a great place to start if you want to work on boats. Day to day duties will include loading and unloading equipment and supplies, cleaning and basic maintenance, and generally helping out where needed. Despite the lack of excitement, it is quite a varied job and the pay isn't exactly terrible if you have a little bit of experience and are willing to travel.
Requirements: Technically you can start in this role without any qualifications or experience, but an RYA Competent Crew Certificate would be a great idea and there are plenty more qualifications which would put you in a stronger position to secure your first boat.
Title: Field surveyor
Wage: £25k
Description: Surveying landscapes, collecting data to be used in mapping. This one definitely qualifies as outdoors as you will be out in most weathers. You will also get to meet lots of people, both to promote what you are doing, and in getting access to the terrain that you will be mapping. You will also get to move around the country a lot and so see lots of places.
Requirements: A surveying or geographic information systems degree or similar qualification will be required for this role, and perhaps some previous experience. But it is possible to get this job straight from college, albeit at a slightly lower wage than with the experience.
Salaries for experienced staff
Title: Centre manager
Wage: £30k
Description: As an outdoor activity centre manager you will be tasked with the day to day operation of a busy centre. The smaller your centre the more hands on teaching you will probably do, but if you have a lot of instructors working under you, more of your time will be spent on training and staff development.
Requirements: Your background will probably be in an activity centre environment, as an instructor and then a senior instructor. Experience will count more than an academic background, though a good education is always going to help. And perhaps most vital of all are the number and types of recognised instructor qualifications you have achieved. Most centre managers will have more awards under their belt than the rest of us have had hot dinners.